Digital imaging is fast and accurate. The great sensitivity of the sensors reduces the patient’s exposure to radiation.
The X-rays are directed through an electronic sensor which can be viewed instantly on the computer screen. This technology contributes to a more precise diagnostic and surgery.
. For oral surgery, the dentist can visualize cysts and tumours, also find nerves;
. In endodontics, we can better visualize the shape of the root canals and their numbers;
. In Implantology, the dentist can see vital anatomical structures, nerves, sinuses and the roots adjacent to the implants;
. To remove wisdom teeth, he can also visualize the position of the teeth relative to the nerves.
To obtain high-quality images, we use a 3D Carestream 9300 Select imaging system. The cone beam computed tomography technology generates 3D data set at much lower doses of radiation than the CT medical scan, doses up to 10 times lower. The cone beam computed tomography imaging represents the latest generation of medical devices. During a CBCT scan, the scanner rotates around the patient’s head, obtaining up to nearly 600 distinct images. The scanning software collects the data and reconstructs it in three dimensional anatomical data that can then be manipulated and visualized with specialized software.
Why use a CBCT?
Used for diagnosis and treatment planning
The CBCT is used in various dental specialties, such as maxillofacial surgery, implantology, orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, as well as for the detection of oral diseases.
Implantology: Used for; better images of the bone status, the location of the mandibular nerve, sinus health, etc.
Oral Surgery: Used for; the presence of dental inclusion and their orientation, the diagnosis of oral diseases.
Orthodontics: Used for; volumetric exploration, temporo-mandibular joints (TMJ).
Endodontics: Visualization of 3D channels, as well as the condition of the teeth.
Periodontics: Used for; peri-implant assessment, the status of soft tissues and their morphology, etc.
3D imaging is particularly useful in dental implantology, transmitting accurate information about bone structure, as well as important anatomical structures, allowing for better diagnosis and successful surgical procedures.
Unequal resolution - With this latest technology, x-ray computed tomography and the most advanced imaging software in the industry, generate high-quality images and provide information of the patient's anatomy, that allow for thorough diagnosis and better treatment planning.
Superior Security - The CBCT imaging systems use the latest technological advances, both to increase significantly the level of clinical information for professionals in oral health and to obtain accurate and faster imaging with minimal radiation.
The X-rays are directed through an electronic sensor which can be viewed instantly on the computer screen. This technology contributes to a more precise diagnostic and surgery.
. For oral surgery, the dentist can visualize cysts and tumors, also find nerves;
. In orthodontics, we can better visualize the shape of the root canals and their numbers;
. In Implantology, the dentist can see vital anatomical structures, nerves, sinuses and the roots adjacent to the implants;
. To remove wisdom teeth, he can also visualize the position of the teeth relative to the nerves.