Occlusion is the way our teeth are joined at the closure of the jaw and our chewing motion. Your dental examination includes an assessment of your teeth, as well as of your muscles and jaw joints. Healthy habits lead to a lower masticatory enamel wear, stronger teeth, as well as muscle and joint health. Occlusion problems can cause worn, chipped or mobile teeth, as well as aching muscles and joints. We diagnose the problems of occlusion by assessing the degree of:
- Excessive wear (bruxism)
- Mobile teeth
- Muscle or joint pain
Signs and symptoms
Abrasion of the teeth
When the masticatory function is normal, the teeth surfaces wear less during their life time. Bruxism describes the intense friction of the teeth that can cause excessive wear. Bruxism can destroy healthy teeth and also cause discomfort and premature tooth loss.
Mobile teeth
With normal chewing function, masticatory forces do not cause occlusal trauma, unless there is an infection or periodontal disease (loss of bone density). Excessive chewing function can weaken teeth that have healthy bones. In addition, teeth that do not align well together can become loose even during normal chewing. These conditions can cause discomfort and premature tooth loss.
Muscle and joint pain
Temporo mandibular disorders describes clinical muscle problems or, temporo mandibular joints problems, or both. They can also cause acute facial pain. These disorders can be constant or intermittent and symptoms can vary greatly from one person to another.
At the Clinique dentaire et d’Implantologie Tremblay, we can measure the strength of your bite in 3D (three dimensions), as well as your dynamic occlusion. This highly advanced technology is mainly used for ultimate dental implantology cases, for major restorations and for TMJ cases. We can adjust the dental treatment to ensure a well balanced occlusion in all comfort for the patient.