Restoring your natural, healthy smile is our priority!
Dr. Tremblay offers complete implantology and smile reconstruction services. Computer guided Implant surgery ensures the success of a key procedure to this therapeutic approach in the planning of implanto-portée treatments.
Because of this ultra-modern technology, the dental surgeon can establish a diagnostic with great precision and plan his cases in 3D dimensions before going ahead with the intervention. Computer assisted implantology is done from a CT Scan of the maxillary and mandible of the patient, producing an exact replica of the patient’s bone structure in 3D and from which Dr. Tremblay develops the plans and specifications for the surgery.
The crowns on implants or prosthesis on implants are then installed with meticulous precision to the equilibrium of the occlusion and to attain high level aesthetic results.
Thanks to our state-of-the-art technologies you will save time at your next dental appointment.
At Clinique dentaire Tremblay, we always use state-of-the-art technologies. You will leave with a feeling of satisfaction and able to move on with your normal daily activities.
Dr. Tremblay and his associates will be happy to meet with you to discuss the appropriate treatments available that answer to your personal needs.
We look forward to serving you!
Dr. Tremblay and his team
CEREC 3D represents a groundbreaking innovation that has ushered in a profound transformation within the realm of dental restoration. This cutting-edge process streamlines all three stages of restoration into a single, comprehensive dental appointment. The result? Ceramic cemented restorations (CEREC) that boast an unequivocal assurance of 100% strength and durability, mirroring the qualities of natural teeth.
learn moreA laser is an optical electronic system which produces a precise narrow light beam which has a single wave length.
learn moreDigital radiographs are fast and accurate. The great sensitivity of the sensors reduces the patient’s exposure to radiation.
With this recent addition, the Quebec Dental Implant Institute offers high-quality 3D imaging, using the 3D Carestream 9300 Select imaging system. The cone beam computed tomography technology generates 3D data set at much lower doses of radiation than the CT medical scan, doses up to 10 times lower. The cone beam computed tomography imaging represents the latest generation of medical devices.
learn moreVELscope is a revolutionary and safe oral cancer screening, approved by the Health Canada. It detects early abnormal tissue in the mouth. This test takes approximately 2 minutes and is painless.
learn moreThis clinical whitening procedure is designed to remove stains and discolorations on the teeth, and also obtain a lasting shine. Safe, fast and efficient, you obtain significant results in less than one hour. The treatment involves applying a whitening gel on the teeth which slowly penetrates, using a lamp specially designed and strategically oriented.
learn moreBite problems
Occlusion determines the way our teeth join at the jaw, its chewing ability and funcionnality. The clinical exam includes an assessment of your teeth, as well as your muscles and jaw joints.
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